
Renewable energy

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Dear Students.  

As you know, this year we are in a Comenius project with other countries across Europe. The programme focuses on renewable (also called "alternative") energy, and therefore, we are going to do a project in the next few days about eco-houses. The eco-houses are buildings which use alternative energy to work while saving energy.

In small groups, you are going to design houses depending on the alternative energy the teacher assigns you, but first you have to understand the principles of each source of energy.

You can look through the links below. Take notes... take ideas ... and make a summary at the end of your energy to explain to the other classmates in the last session.

- General information about Renewable Energy (i)
- General information about Renewable Energy (ii)
- General information about Renewable Energy (iii)

- Wind power
- Solar power
- Biomass
- Hydropower
- Geothermal

You can find more information here: